
Published:2024-07-30  Views:895




博士生左宗成:Forecasting Surface Intersection of Images Utilizing Understandable Cuboid Embeddings


硕士生陆雨寒:Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo for UAV Perspective Using Contrastive Learning and Knowledge Distillation


硕士生程志祥:SF-SegNeXt : A Foreground-Aware Network Based on SegNeXt for Sea Fog Detection


硕士生雷沛璇: A Novel Probabilistic Baseline Model for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Engine Bleed Air System Based on Diffusion


硕士生陈涛:Data-Driven Dynamic Asymmetry Index Construction for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Flap Control System


硕士生宋杰:Two-Stage Attention-Based Method for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Aircraft Skin Air Outlet Valve


本科生孙宇轩:A Comparative Evaluation of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient on Aircraft Maintenance Decision Optimization

版权所有 上海交通大学空天智能光电技术实验室