Yuanxiang Li
Mailing Address:
Aerospace Building, #A433
School of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai 200240, P. R. China
Tel: 86-21-34206160 (O)
86-13761778831 (M)
Fax: 86-21-34206320
Email: yuanxli@sjtu.edu.cn
Research Interests
- Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, Manifold Learning, Sparse Representation
- Image Classification, Image Fusion, Super-resolution Reconstruction, Image Compression, Object Detection
- Character Recognition, Statistical Language Model, Chinese Information Processing
Education Background
- 3/2001 Ph. D in Signal and Information Processing
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
- 2/1993 M. E in Signal and Information Processing
College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, The Air Force Engineering University, China
- 7/1990 B. E. in Radio Engineering
College of Communication Engineering, The Army Engineering University, China
Work Experience
Associate Professor / Director, Lab. of Aerospace Intelligent Photoelectric Technology, School of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan – Dearborn, USA.
Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Sensing Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Associate Professor, College of Meteorology, PLA Univ. of Science & Technology, China.
Research Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Post Doctor, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China.
Faculty member, Dept. of Radio Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Communication Engineering, China.
Teaching Activities
- X413514 Image Processing and Object Recognition (Graduate Course)
- AV404 Flight Vehicle Electronics System (Undergraduate Course)
Research Experience
- Eastern Airlines Technic Co., Ltd: “Prognostics Health Management (PHM) of Aircraft Air Conditioning System”(PI, 2019)
- Shanghai Qiangsun Aviation Science & Technology Ltd. Company: “Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Recognition System for Airport Runway”(PI, 2018)
- Ministry of Industry and Civil Aviation Special of China: “Civilian Helicopter Topography / Meteorological Awareness and Collision Avoidance Technology” (CO-PI, 2017)
- Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission: “Collision Vision-based Power line Collision Avoidance Technology for Civil Helicopter”(PI, 2016)
- National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Sea Remote Sensing and Observation via SAR Image” (PI, 2015)
- National Natural Science Foundation of China: “High Resolution SAR Testing Database and SAR Data Quality Evaluation” (CO-PI, 2014)
- Huawei Co. Ltd.: “Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction” (PI, 2013)
- 863 High Technology Plan of China: “Space Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition” (PI, 2012)
- Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai: “Typhoon Cloud Image Segmentation and Location” (PI, 2009)
- China Meteorological Administration: “Tropical Cyclones Monitoring and Analysis with Satellite Cloud Images” (PI, 2008)
- National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Cloud Classification Using Classifier Combination method for EOS-MODIS Data” (PI, 2006)
- A*STAR of Singapore: “Information Miniaturization and Portability” (Main participant, 2003)
- Fujitsu Company: “Post-Processing for Handwritten Chinese Envelope Address Recognition” (PI, 2002)
Journal Papers
- X Peng, Y-X Li*, J Luo, Y L Murphey. Domain Adaptation by Learning Stacked Local Constraint Auto-Encoder [J]. Accepted by IEEE Access.
- Z Li, Y-X Li*, B Xing, et al. OPD Analysis and Prediction in Aero Optics based on Dictionary Learning [J]. Aerospace Systems, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42401-018-0020-1
- X Wei, H Shen, Y-X Li*, X Tang, F Wang, M Kleinsteuber, Y L Murphey. Reconstructible Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via Joint Dictionary Learning [J]. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2019, 30(1) : 175-189
- X Peng, Y-X Li*, X Wei, J Luo, Y L Murphey. RGB-NIR Image Categorization with Prior Knowledge Transfer [J]. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2018 :149(1-12)
- S Liu, S Gong, Y-X Li, Z Lu. Vectorial backstepping method-based trajectory tracking control for an under-actuated stratospheric airship. Aeronautical Journal -New Series, 2017, 121(1241) : 916-939
- Y Ding, Y-X Li*, W Yu. Learning from label proportions for SAR image classification [J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2017, 41: 1-12
- X Wei, Y-X Li*, H Shen, F Chen, M Kleinsteuber, Z-F Wang. Dynamical Texture Modeling via Joint Video Dictionary Learning [J]. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2017, 26(6): 2929 - 2943
- Z Jiang, Y-X Li*, F Yu, G Chen, W Yu. A damped Newton variational inversion method for SAR wind retrieval [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017, 122(2):823-845
- X Wei, Y-X Li*, H Shen, W Xiang, Y L Murphey. Joint Learning Sparsifying Linear Transformation for Low-Resolution Image Synthesis and Recognition [J]. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 66:412-424
- Y Lu,Y-X Li*, B Liu, H Liu, L Cui. Hyperspectral Data Haze Monitoring Based on Deep Residual Network [J]. ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 2017, 37(11):1-11
- S Zheng, Y-X Li*, X Wei, X Peng. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Based on Dictionary Learning [J]. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2016, 42(7):1065-1076
- S Zhang, Y-X Li *, Z Zhou, et al. Ship Recognition in Optical Remote Sensing Image [J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016, 50(9).
- J Liu, Y-X Li *, Z Zhang, W Yu.SAR Image Compression Based on Wavelet Thresholding and Dictionary Learning [J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2015, 49(10)
- Y Ding, Y-X Li*, W Yu. SAR Image Classification Based on CRFs with Integration of Local Label Context and Pairwise Label Compatibility [J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS), 2014, 7(1):300-306
- S Wang, Y Xia, P Dong, J Luo, Q Huang, D Feng and Y Li*. Bias Correction for Magnetic Resonance Images via Joint Entropy Regularization [J]. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24(1): 1239-1245
- J Shen, Y-X Li *, Z Zhou. Shape prior constrained KPCA object segmentation with parameter adaption [J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2013, 18(7).
- W Wu, Y-X Li *. Incremental ISOMAP Method based on Locally Estimated Geodesic Distance [J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013, 47(7).
- H Chu, Y-X Li*. Optimized Fast Dehazing Method Based on Dark Channel Prior [J]. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, 2013, 41(4).
- W Yin, Y-X Li*. Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Sparse Representation [J]. ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 2013, 33(4).
- Z Zhou, Y-X Li*, H Shi. Pan-Sharpening: A Fast Variational Fusion Approach [J]. SCIENCE CHINA (Information Sciences), 2012, 55(3): 615-625.
- Q Bai, K Wei, Z Jing, Y-X Li, et al. Tropical cyclone spiral band extraction and center locating by binary ant colony optimization[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(2): 332-346
- K Wei, Z Jing, Y-X Li. Extended scheme of Chan-Vese models for color image segmentation [J]. IET Image Processing, 2011, 5(7): 583-597.
- K Wei, Z Jing, Y-X Li. Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers [J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, 32(6): 761-770.
- R Han, Z Jing, Y-X Li. Kernel-based visual tracking with continuous adaptive distribution [J]. Optical Engineering, 2009, 48(5).
- R Han, Z Jing, Y-X Li. Kernel Based Visual Tracking with Variant Spatial Resolution Model [J]. IEE Electronics Letters, 2008, 44(8).
- R Han, Z Jing, Y-X Li. Kernel Based Visual Tracking with Scale Invariant Features [J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2008, 6(3).
- Y-X Li, C.L. Tan, X. Ding. A Hybrid Post-processing System for Offline Handwritten Chinese Script Recognition [J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2005, 8(3):272-286.
- Y-X Li, C.L. Tan, X. Ding. Contextual Post-processing based on the Confusion Matrix in Offline Handwritten Chinese Script Recognition [J]. Pattern Recognition, 2004, 37(9): 1901-1912.
- Y-X Li, X. Ding, C.L. Tan. Combining Character-based Bigram with Word-based Bigram in Contextual Post-processing for Chinese Script Recognition [J]. ACM Trans. on Asian Language Information Processing, 2002, 1(4):297-309.
Conference Papers
- X Peng, A Zhao, S Wang, Y Murphey, Y-X Li. Attention-Driven Driving Maneuver Detection System[C]. 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 14-19, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
- X Peng, Y-X Li, Y L Murphey, X Wei and J Luo. Domain Adaptation with One-step Transformation. 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Nov.18-21, 2018, Bengaluru, India
- Y Liu, Y-X Li, J Liu, Y Zhou, Y L Murphey. FOD Detection using DenseNet with Focal Loss of Object Samples for Airport Runway. 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Nov.18-21, 2018, Bengaluru, India
- X Peng, Y L Murphey, R Liu, Y-X Li. Maneuvers Recognition via Vehicle Signal and Video. 2018 International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug.20-24, 2018, Beijing, China
- Y Shi, Y-X Li, J-W Liu and X-G Liu, Y Murphey. Weather Recognition Based on Edge Deterioration and Convolutional Neural Networks. 2018 International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug.20-24, 2018, Beijing, China
- C Chen, Y-J Zhou, Y-X Li, H-Y Tuo and Y Zhou. Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on the HEIV Model. 2018 International Conference on Aerospace System Science and Engineering (ICASSE), Jul.31-Aug.1, 2018, Moscow, Russia
- X Peng, Y-X Li, J Luo and Y L Murphey. Traffic sign recognition with transfer learning. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Nov.27-Dec.1, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Y-X Zhang, Y-X Li, X Peng, H Zhao and K Shen. A recurrent neural network based method for predicting the state of aircraft air conditioning system. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Nov.27-Dec.1, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Y Shi, Y-X Li and X Wei. A Faster-RCNN based chemical fiber paper tube defect detection method. The 5th International Conf. on Enterprise Systems (ES2017), Sept. 22-24, 2017, Beijing, China
- C Liu, Y-X Li, J Luo and Y Zhou. A novel convolutional neural network architecture for image super-resolution based on channels combination. 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (ICIF 2017), Xi’an, China, July 10-13, 2017
- F Chen, Y Wang, Y-X Li, et al. An Experimental Investigation with Phosphorescent Imaging Technique on Spray Flow in Heated Air. 21st AIAA Int. Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, March, 2017
- X Wei, Y-X Li, Y L Murphey. Joint learning dictionary and discriminative features for high dimensional data. ICPR2016, Cancun, Mexico, December, 2016.
- X Peng, Y-X Li, et al. Multi-modal scene categorization using multi-tasks learning. ICSP2016, Chengdu, Nov., 2016.
- J Xu, Y-X Li, et al. Object recognition with multi-source images based on kernel dictionary learning. ICSP2016, Chengdu, Nov., 2016.
- Z Wang, Y-X Li, W Yu, et al. Object detection capability evaluation for SAR images. IGARSS16, Beijing, China, July, 2016.
- Z Jiang, Y-X Li, W Xiang, et al. A damped Newton variational inversion for SAR wind retrieval. IGARSS16, Beijing, China, July, 2016.
- Y Ding, W Guo, Y-X Li, et al. SAR image classification based on CRFs with object structure priors. IGARSS16, Beijing, China, July, 2016.
- Y Han, Y-X Li, W Yu. SAR target segmentation based on shape prior. IGARSS14, Québec, Canada, July, 2014.
- T Wang, Y-X Li, H Xiong. A Novel Locally Active Learning Method for SAR Image Classification. IGARSS14, Québec, Canada, July, 2014.
- W Yin, Y-X Li. Sparse representation based pan-sharpening. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- Ding YK, Qiu LZ, Yang PL, Zhou ZM, Li YX, et al. Scene Scattering Descriptor for Urban Classification in Very High Resolution SAR Images. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- W Zhang, H Zhang, W Wang, Y-X Li, et al. An Efficient Geography Registration Method for InSAR Coherent Change Detection. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- Zhou YH, Yu QZ, Yin W, Y Li. An Automatic Global-to-Local Image Registration based on SIFT and Thin-Plate Spline. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- Zhou ZM, Yang PL Li YX, et al. Joint IHS and Variational Methods for Pan-Sharpening of Very High Resolution Imagery. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- Qiu LZ, Gao L, Ding YK, Li YX, et al. Change Detection Method Using A New Difference Image for Remote Sensing Images. IGARSS13, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2013.
- Y-X Li, Q Hu. Wind-shear prediction with airport LIDAR data. IGARSS12, Munich, Germany, July 2012.
- W-F Qiao, Y-X Li. Tropical cyclones similarity analysis based on manifold learning. IGARSS12, Munich, Germany, July 2012.
- W-F Qiao, Y-X Li. The Application of Gray Model and Chan-Vese Model in Determining the Center of Tropical Cyclones. MIPPR 2011, Guilin, China, Nov. 2011.
- J-Z Song, Y-X Li. A Level Set Method for Radar Convective Storm Nowcasting. MIPPR 2011, Guilin, China, Nov. 2011.
- Y Xia, Y-X Li. Collision Resolving Model Based on Adaptive Contention Window and Backoff Time Decrease. ICISE 2011, Yangzhou, Nov. 2011.
- W-F Qiao, Y-X Li. Tropical cyclone center location based on Fisher discriminant and Chan-Vese model. ICMV2011, Hongkong, Jan.2011.
- J-Z Song, Y-X Li. A comprehensive framework for detecting and tracking space objects. ICMV2011, Hongkong, Jan.2011.
- Wei X, Y-X Li. Robust manifold learning using adaptive hierarchical neighborhood technique. ICMV2010, Hongkong, Dec.2010.
- Z-M Zhou, Y-X Li. A fast variational fusion approach for pan-sharpening. IEEE 10th Int. Conf. on Signal Processing (ICSP2010), Beijing, China, Oct. 2010.
- H Tuo, T Zhang, Y-X Li, et al. Sequence Image Registration Based on Motion Trajectory. 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2010), Yantai, China, Oct. 2010.
- X Wei, Y-X Li. Extended ISOMAP based on neighborhood sets relation. CCPR2010, Chongqing, China, Nov. 2010.
- F Wu, Y-X Li, P Xu. Image Retrieval using Ellipse Shape Feature with Particle Swarm Optimization. ICMT2010, Ningbo, Oct. 2010.
- P Xu, Y-X Li, Z-L Jing. An Empirical Study of Content-Based Retrieval Methods for Typhoon Cloud Images. Proc. of 6th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR2009), Yichang, China, Oct. 2009.
- K Wei, Y-X Li, Z-L Jing. Typhoon Clouds System Segmentation with Multi-Channel Images Using Vector-Valued Chan-Vese Model. Proc. of 6th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR2009), Yichang, China, Oct. 2009.
- Y-X Li, L Deng, Z-L Jing. MODIS image compression with optimal interband prediction and wavelet transform. Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Image and Graphics (ICIG2007), Aug. 2007, China. 205-209.
- Y-X Li, Y-B Li, Z-L Jing. Satellite Cloud Image Retrieval based on Deformable Circle Model,Proc. of 5th Int. Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR2007), Nov. 2007, Wuhan, China.
- Y-X Li, C.L. Tan. An Empirical Study of Statistical Language Models for Contextual Post-processing of Chinese Script Recognition. Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR-9), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 26-29, 2004
- Y-X Li, C.L. Tan. Influence of Language Models and Candidate Set Size on Contextual Post-processing for Chinese Script Recognition. Proc. of 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, UK, Aug. 23-26, 2004
- Y-X Li, X Zhu. Post-processing for Handwritten Chinese Address Recognition. Proc. of 2002 International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (ICIIT-02), Beijing, China, Aug. 2002.
- Y-X Li, X Ding. Multiple Candidate Characters in the Post-processing for Chinese Character Recognition. Proc. of 2001 International Conference on Info-tech & Info-net (ICII2001), Beijing, China, Sept. 2001.
- Technology Invention Second Prize granted by the Ministry of Education of China, Dec. 2012.
- Science and Technology Advancement First Prize granted by the Ministry of Education of China, Jan. 1999.